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fat cyclist

100 Miles of Nowhere Video

5 x 100 Miles of Nowhere. To Nowhere (Road)

July 9, 2013

The tradition lives on with this year’s installment of Fat Cyclist’s 100 Miles of Nowhere. 5 centuries in five days in four states. BOOM!

Quick flashback to bring you up…

100 Miles of Nowhere Video

100 Miles of Nowhere: Vehemence of the Suckage Edition

May 19, 2012

I’ve been told I’ve crossed a line. Matador said it. I heard it. And then I watched it sail by my ‘how will I interpret this’ radar toward the…

Epic Rides

100 Miles of Nowhere

March 22, 2010

Or 100 Miles of somewhere?
I had to think long and hard before deciding that I wouldn’t be entering the 100 Miles of Nowhere this year. Very long. Very hard….

100 Miles of Nowhere Epic Rides Video

“100 Miles of Nowhere” on Rollers

May 24, 2009

I always imagined my first century ride would be somewhere scenic. And with other riders.
But the challenge of this century – the 100 Miles of Nowhere – is that…