From Grand Central over to the Westside bike path. Shot after the Bear Mountain Ride after catching the train back from Cold Springs.
From Grand Central over to the Westside bike path. Shot after the Bear Mountain Ride after catching the train back from Cold Springs.
What do you do when you’re back on the farm near the small town of Manilla in Australia, unfamiliar with the area (it’s not the farm you grew up on, but a different one), and have an old Trek 820 to ride? You strap on the GoPro and go…
A self-invented century ride from Brooklyn, NY to Stony Point Lighthouse, NY.
Tried out a different config of the GoPro chesty with it mounted at the top of the plate. Had some trouble with the angle – it pointed down too much. Would recommend the hanging upside-down config for future…
I always imagined my first century ride would be somewhere scenic. And with other riders.
But the challenge of this century – the 100 Miles of Nowhere – is that it has to be on rollers, your trainer, or the smallest route possible. I chose rollers.
If you’re inspired by this…
Picked up a set of e-motion rollers for the winter. I thought Pros/Cons list might be useful for those wondering if a set of these need to be in their future.
Price paid: $775 (not including shipping)
Bought from: Inside Ride’s eBay store
Full Disclosure: I have never owned rollers before, nor…